Every day is a day of uncertainty --- not knowing if things will go well as i hoped for, not knowing if people will do well as i wished they will, not knowing if i'll be prepared for whatever changes, criticisms, uncalled for events that might happen. But amidst this uncertainty, there is only that trust which i can hold on to, and that hope so i may carry on, because there will never be really that certainty until the moment comes, and until it becomes part of the past.
To get through the day will be like a blind man walking - to walk with no certainty, but with faith. to know nothing of what's ahead, and just walk one step at a time. No need to hurry, because to run ahead of time will lose you the minutes of your life. But there's no room for idle work either, because like a train, time will leave you. It will go on as it pleases, but always in a constant motion.
One has to learn to dance with time, dance in the rhythm of its motion, so you will never be out of time. One's rhythm of time may be different from another's rhythm - and so it's possible that the two may never find the time to be together, but if the rhythm permits, there can be that harmony like the one of a piano piece. It can be a sonata in major C, that of the joyous moments one has with another, but it may also be that intermezzo in minor A, that of the sad times one encounters. Each note has to be played to truly complete the piece. And if the notes will have to require you to run so fast, don't worry, there are rests; make good use of them. You can always run ahead of time, but remember there will always be that final barline, when one has to stop, and the music has ended.