even as loneliness embraces your being
you try to reach for that one thing that'll make you happy.
it's as blurred as your life is right now,
yet you make a clear image of it in your mind,
trying to envision how it was to be happy.
the mindset is not the same as before,
but the being is just the same.
No matter how much effort you exert
into the account of being where you wish to be,
you end up no farther than where you started.
no sense of desperation,
but so much exasperation.
you breathe just the same,
but your heart beats as slow as your pacing in life could be.
you ask yourself where you're headed,
but you end up asking it again and again,
not knowing where you're really headed.
the loneliness of every second there is...
nothing more can be as lifeless as this.
Artificial intelligence
2 days ago
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