Today marks the beginning of the Ordinary Time in the liturgical calendar. This does not really make any difference, except that it's a change of season from Christmas season to a non-Christmas season. It was an exceptionally happy Christmas season this recently, and somehow it makes me think if ending the Christmas season formally would make it a less happy experience for me. But then, it could always be a happy ordinary time. :)
No more Christmas wrappers, no more Christmas carols, and no more Christmas lights. The streets are almost as bare as before the season started, and you find things to be back to normal as before. No more giddy feeling as I anticipate the nearing Christmas Eve, but just the coming of the ordinary 12:00 in the midnight --- noticing it just because I'm staying up late again for the night.
So, how has my Ordinary Time been so far? Not really fantastic, but exceptionally happy as well. I am simply happy at the start of this new season. Nothing to anticipate this season, but the ordinariness of everyday. And sometimes, out of the ordinariness, reasons to be happy stand out better, and they make more significant impact to me.
Little things have made me happy these days. Little things such as being able to attend a recollection in the midst of a stressful week. Little things such as efficient groupmates with whom I struggle with to accomplish whatever needs to get done. Little things I find out about my friends, that it makes me happy because there are still people living such practice or virtue.
Even if these days were going by faster than it should, requirements after requirements, I am experiencing a different tranquility knowing that omnia in bonum, as long as I do my best in each of these tasks at hand. The year has started with several disappointing circumstances, but to these and other undesired events do i attribute my great appreciation of the little things.
*keeping peace within*
happy day to you! :)
Artificial intelligence
2 days ago
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