As much as i want to make this a discourse on discovering happiness, prolonging the discussion would only poof the happiness out, ergo defeating the purpose of this entry.
A friend just told me "I'm happy". She's happy! And it's her birthday today. It was very heartwarming to know she's happy, genuinely happy despite what's lacking on the day of her birthday.
And this is what I realized: when it's real and pure happiness, it overflows and it reaches to people around us --- that when it's real, no perkiness is needed to show it off, because it radiates naturally and it makes other people happy as well.
I'm glad i was around. Her happiness somehow rubbed off to me, and i feel happy as well.
A happy birthday it is! Oooh, I hope I'd be as happy on my birthday :)
Artificial intelligence
2 days ago
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