fleeting sense
senseless flights
wide awake
with caffeine hype
how are you?
howdie ye?
i just know something significant happened today. but the lack of sleep i've been having for the past weeks is getting its toll on me. My memory seems to be lost in transit, as I try to push some thoughts behind, and as i put my mind to a better focus.
i'm thinking, i'm thinking.
you know how it feels when you get home, and you don't exactly feel well-rested, but you just feel accomplished. it's not exactly a sigh of relief for having gone through the day, but more on a breath of gratitude for something significant that happened today. I can't seem to put my finger on it, but I know something really good happened today.
ahh! i think i'm getting a better grasp of it. Significant, yes, but probably not to all. Today was a day of sticking to decisions. Today was a day of finding the energy to pull beyond my old self. Today meant I could actually go beyond? Today was an ordinary day, turned... well it was still ordinary. Put simply, today meant hope and it becoming reality.
either that, or... it was just the tipsy-sleepy feeling i've had the whole day. :))
Artificial intelligence
2 days ago
2 ruffleschmuffled:
Alam ko na kung bakit ... you finished the bulletin board! :P Haha. Joke.
hahaha Mimi naman, eh. outdated na 'to eh. :)) btw, nice poster talaga! :p
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