Today's Post

20 November 2009

To Lee-Ann

This post is for you, because you deserve it. You radiate with happiness and optimism, and these are only two of the many things why it's always a pleasure to be around you. You have an understanding that's more profound than anyone I know, and you make people happy in your little and simple ways. Lee-ann, you have no idea how thankful I am to God each day for giving me a friend like you. You embody a concrete proof of God's love for me. :) Thank you for being that gift to me.

If there's someone who knows how to create a trail of happiness, that would be you.

Take care always, friend :)


1 ruffleschmuffled:

Anonymous said...

To Karen.

For the learnings and insights I gain from you. For your experiences that I somehow embrace and learn from as you unselfishly share. For this blog that never ceases to amaze and enlighten me. For the post. For you.

I thank you. >:D<

Here's to more. :)