Dear God,
In the best effort that I live each day for you, you have given me experiences and opportunities, both mundane and significant, to understand what you wish to tell me. I'm starting to see that each day is like a postcard with your message in it. I wake up in the morning, rush to my letterbox, and see a postcard waiting to be appreciated and read. Each day is a postcard from you. :)
At times I would care to appreciate your postcard, but more often than not, I just read and look at it without much thought --- like those days that have gone by without noticing you so much. And yes, I might have missed on a lot of sweet nothings from you already. Those postcards, which I failed to keep in my memory box, are already lost in the past without a chance to be appreciated better.
From now on, I should ask myself towards the end of the day, what are you telling me with all these? What's my postcard today all about? Thank you for the postcards, God. I think I will reply to one of your postcards soon.
Artificial intelligence
2 days ago
1 ruffleschmuffled:
i also experience this. we know God is there but why do we not see Him? too busy? too preoccupied? or do we just plainly ignore Him?
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