Today's Post

16 May 2010

In a little while


When the current goes crazy, a good pause will do. Get off the river, and see how it slowly calms itself. The river can go on without us, so it's up to us if we want to continue on with our travel. Look at where the river is going. Is it still where we envisioned ourselves to be?

We could float on with the current, but in the riverbends we'll have to direct our rafts better. There will be more bends to conquer along the way, but it will certainly get us to the end. We won't lose our way, as long as we're certain with what we want.

In a little while I'll be getting on the raft again. Are you coming with me? In a little while we'll be on the next bend. Are we ready for it?

2 ruffleschmuffled:

Anonymous said...

i agree. we must know where we are going before we get there. prepare for the ride. :)

Karen said...

then enjoy the ride :)