When i heard the 12-noon mass a while ago, there were two adorable 3-year old kids in the church. They were strangers to each other but in the middle of the mass, they started talking to each other, playing together, and soon, becoming friends. The girl, seated in front of the boy, would sometimes lie down so she could talk to the boy through the open back of the pew. They were distracted from listening attentively to the mass, but who could blame them? they wouldn't understand the mass, anyway. The boy had a toy matchbox car that he was playing with, while the girl had a nokia 3310 which she imagined to be a car, too. Well they were not completely distracted from the mass, because when it was the consecration of the Holy Eucharist and they had to kneel, the girl was kneeling down with both her arms stretched out as if wanting to hug Our Lord. The boy wasn't kneeling down because he'd be too short if he did, and both his hands were open as if waiting for Our Lord to give him candies. The girl would look back to check on the boy and would tell him in whisper to kneel down. And the boy indeed knelt down. At the end of the mass, they had to say goodbye to each other and part ways. They did not cry nor looked sad when they said goodbye. They just seemed happy to have met each other and to have spent that time playing, talking and praying together. :)
just what the world needs. when we look at kids like them we are reminded about the simplicity of life. How they find joy in the simplest of things and among the most important things in life --- friendship, playing (studying/working for us a little older than toddlers), and God. When you look at their eyes you see evidently the shine in their eyes --- the shine that shows their being innocent and the purity of their hearts.
Whenever i see such eyes, i can't help but pray for their souls. Pray to their guardian angels to take good care of them, and pray to God that their souls be blessed and graced that they may grow to be good and loving people --- just what the world needs.
[but of course my being distracted from the mass for watching the kids is not an excuse]
Artificial intelligence
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