Today's Post

18 January 2010


Because I need inspiration for my Neuro exam, I'm putting this as a reminder of how controversial Einstein's brain was. Before he died, he insisted that his brain be preserved and examined. Was it because he knew all along that he thought differently, or that his intellect was more than just an average mind? For years, it was said his brain was within the normal range of size and proportion. But later on, some findings surfaced that he had no parietal operculum. So what? I say, it was not enough to study his brain after he died. Maybe the difference in his brain lies in the neuronal connections he had, such that if it were studied under an fMRI, it might have shown how different his brain worked. Ahh..well, who am I to have a say on this, anyway? I'm merely a medical student attempting to do good in my grand-slam Neuro exams this week.

Agh. This topic is so interesting that my neurons are almost gasping for oxygen, trying to surface out their thoughts. But. The. Thought. Of. My. Neuro. Exam. Is. Forcing. Me. To. Stop. Typing. and just study.

Hi Albert Einstein, maybe you could drop by in one of my dreams tonight and wish me luck. That's if I will sleep at all.

(I wonder if Einstein ever crammed in his exams. ugh. Karen. Stop. Typing.)

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