Today's Post

12 October 2009

To You Who's Leaving

Photo taken by: alric v. mondragon

but not really. You'll be away for an indefinite time. And I'd be most thankful to the uncertain possibilities of me visiting you and spending time with you where you are, or with you coming home as if you never left. We'll be seas apart, but it wouldn't shouldn't matter. You are where you're supposed to be. And on that day that I won't see you go, I wish you a happy leaving; if there's ever such a thing. As you said, just when you wanted to stay longer, it's when you have to leave. I'll miss you being around.

Your sister,

2 ruffleschmuffled:

Camille said...

AYEN! I love the new layout and design of your blog. Predominantly white ground and touches of orange and blue green. PERFECT. It's so you.

Karen said...

hahah thanks mimi! :)