Today's Post

31 October 2009

To Mr. Halloween

Let me know if you're in town already. Little kids will be going around again, shouting trick or treat, going home with a bunch of goodies and sweets. Can't wait to see them in costume. What do you have for me today? Is it a trick or a treat?



P.S. Black cat got scared seeing herself in the mirror. Oh no, bad luck for black cat!

30 October 2009

To Faith

I just know you're there, and that you have never really left me. Even amidst the raging storm, you're there and we will conquer whatever comes our way. I just need to trust you better, abandon everything in your hands, and be able to persevere in the little things. One step at a time, we will get there. One day at a time, I will come to see you fully, eventually. Filled with you, only then will I be able to live my commitment.


29 October 2009

To Love

from the book History of Love
(Unknown Photographer)

I rarely express you this way, but today I see no reason not to. Thank you for coming my way, thank you for choosing to stay. Thank you for taking me as your guest, thank you for making me feel at home. My intellect is not enough to understand you, and yet you take delight in my understanding of what's unknown, and in my embracing of what's uncertain. Seeing you, feeling you, knowing you --- they're just not enough to say I've experienced you, until I'm able to give you.


28 October 2009

To Hope

It's hard to imagine not to have you, yet it happens that we lose you. You're not as elusive as happiness is at times, however we fall into turning our backs on you. In our unthinking days, we choose not to notice you. When at times we choose to drown ourselves in bitter emotions, we ignore you entirely. And the more we are drowned in hopelessness, the more that we find it hard to see and recognize you. Until you come our way again, and we look at you as if you were a novel piece of goodness, like the rising of the sun after its long hiding from the moon.

I see you. Hiding behind the leaves, I could see you. Will you be staying for a long while?

Please stay.


27 October 2009

To My Cone Receptors

it's a feast. :)


26 October 2009

To Idleness

I know the previous semester was exhausting, but I don't think I'd want to be with you this sembreak. I may get myself a little tired from time to time, but I'm happy to be doing things other than studying. Really, you're just not the best recharge I need for the next semester. Realizing I only have 2 weeks to enjoy before coming back to class, there has to be a better plan for this than by mere spontaneity and idleness. Don't even try to set me up on a date with your twin, laziness. I don't like him. Productivity has better appeal than your twin.

Shooing you away,

20 October 2009

To Friday

I know you've already been waiting for me since I had that little "sembreak" in the middle of the hustle and bustle of giving out relief goods. But you are the beginning of the real sembreak, and you probably have no idea how much I'm longing to be with you already. Well, you know priorities have to be set straight, and these exams are just too happy to see me and be with me this week. Don't get frustrated. Soon as I pass that last exam for this semester, I will greet you right away with, "It's Friday, I'm in love!" hahah. For the meantime, I will need to ignore you first, and be happy with these exams. yahoo, exams. :) Can't wait to shade circles. Even more, can't wait to say good morning, Friday! :)

Waiting to meet you,

17 October 2009

To The Confused

Questions were answered adequately, and the only response I'm waiting for is not something I need to hear, but something I need to see. Soon as your thought processing is done, let's talk and see how both our concept maps could connect by one or two arrows. I'd be happy enough to realize we connect on at least one idea --- on a particular idea. We will simplify our combined concept maps and we'll be amazed by the beauty of our thoughts. We will keep it in a bottle as a reminder of those pressing minutes. But if all else fails, our bottled thoughts will be kept as a reminder of that hopeful turned happy memory.

Processing Thoughts,

12 October 2009

To You Who's Leaving

Photo taken by: alric v. mondragon

but not really. You'll be away for an indefinite time. And I'd be most thankful to the uncertain possibilities of me visiting you and spending time with you where you are, or with you coming home as if you never left. We'll be seas apart, but it wouldn't shouldn't matter. You are where you're supposed to be. And on that day that I won't see you go, I wish you a happy leaving; if there's ever such a thing. As you said, just when you wanted to stay longer, it's when you have to leave. I'll miss you being around.

Your sister,

11 October 2009

To What I Never Thought of Fearing

Photo taken by: alric v. mondragon

You were not mad, but you were entirely indifferent. Your apathy seemed unreasonable, and we were both left trembling in fear and uncertainty. But thank you. We were both scared and did not know what we'd do. But we managed and we pulled things through. Amidst your darkness, I've seen him in a different light. In a streak of light there was hope in his eyes, and it was more than enough to keep me holding on. I'm not scared of you anymore.


To Misfits and Mischiefs

You're giving trouble again and it's not being funny anymore. To what was supposed to be a happy situation, you cause disturbance and disappointment. You put seriousness to what's supposed to be taken lightly, and you laugh at the serious moments. You're awkward and off. You're not supposed to be here.

Please leave?

07 October 2009

To tomorrow's anxieties

I don't need you right now. I already have my concerns today, and it's really not your turn yet. I'll just cross the bridge when I get there. Until then, I'll be here, laughing off today's anxieties. Tomorrow, you will get your own laugh. Don't worry.

Shrugging you off,

05 October 2009

To what lasts forever

Or, that if bad things lasted forever, would we realize how much they should be abhorred?

Would we realize how much it's hurting us already?
Would we realize the extent of damage it's causing?
Would we hate it?
Would we eventually want true goodness, and real happiness?

02 October 2009

To Changing Tides

Even people who are afraid of changes are still capable of desiring change. And for one who's not used to changes, transmogrifier is just the right device. Transmogrifier allows its user to change in shape, while given the choice of making it temporary or permanent.

When to use the transmogrifier:

1 When you woke up on the wrong side of the bed, and everything else follows its utter wrongness.

2 When there's no way to describe the boredom of your routinary life

3 When you're stuck at an awkward situation and you're left with a sheepish smile

4 When you're in the state of utter happiness, and you just want to be in that state permanently.

5 When traffic enforcers are running after you, after you've jaywalked

6 When you just hate where you are; it's a device for a new disguise, as well as a pseudo time machine

7 When you simply want skittles over m&ms --- no, not really.

Transmogrifier is that choice to be happy.

will you play the piano for me?

I could almost hear you saying those lines to me. or maybe, i'm just hoping i hear those words from you. Dad, can i play the piano for you? Will you pause for a while from watching CNN news, and hear me play the piano?

will you let me tell you the story of the book i'm currently reading?
will you read again the articles or poems I write?
will you review with me my previous exam and see where i went wrong?
will you take me to dinner after you pick me up from school?
will you let me become your little girl again? unreasonable at times, but always wanting to make you happy.

To October

september left unnoticed
flooded and drained out.
october's coming in discretely