I wish my synapses and neuronal transmissions
make very nice and neat connections. I hope they
are organized in such a way it won't be too hard
to recover information on the day of the exam.
Let all my CSF flow nice and smooth, and let no
fail neurotransmitters get on the way.
The complexity of the human brain amazes me,
and sometimes, instead of understanding it fully,
I am left stunned and awed. And I am very sure
this will not be helpful in my neuro exam, so please
brain, help me understand you, be kind, be good,
be a good brain.
i find it amusing that as I take an exam about
synapses and neuronal transmission, they are
already taking part, real time. I'm very sure
my neurons know what they're doing, I just hope
they let me know of it while I'm taking my exam.
fire away, happy neurons!
Artificial intelligence
2 days ago
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