Today's Post

04 July 2008

no reason to hate this day

There's nothing extraordinary about today, but i find this day remarkable because i find no reason to hate it. there were a few disappointments and tangled thoughts and words, but amidst these things, there's always, as in always, a thought to be happy about.

And because i said so, and i decided so, i have lived today with... all simplicity and happiness. with the same struggle and tiresome duties, i mightily faced this day with a smile. ah. a day i somehow conquered, tomorrow i fall again. but because i decided so, there will always be a reason to stand again, and begin again.

i have seen that beginnings are always hopeful, and because of this, i will always choose to begin and begin, never stopping even if i fall again and again. i will begin again, and again, and again. always with a smile, always.


a hopeful smile, i gave you. and you smiled back with all simplicity. you knew i was so tired, so all the more you gave me a reason to smile.

0 ruffleschmuffled: