i have always thought i'm ready to face the end of my life, not out of despair or inability to struggle, but because I feel that it's bound to come, and that I'll have to be brave enough to face it. But it hit me, that unless i'm really at the point of facing death, i would never really know if i'm indeed ready. Last night i dreamt about death, and more importantly, of life. I dreamt my dad was nearing his last breath already, and at the brink of his death, i found out about my own. A doctor told me i have cancer, and that i have only a few more months to live. My mind was at a blank state at that point. i couldn't move my mind to think, and all i was able to do was stare and keep myself moving. I knew that ----
this was 5 days before my father has gone ahead.
Artificial intelligence
2 days ago
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