I have long been afraid of love. I feared it because I deem myself to be more of a thinker rather than a feeler. And I have always associated love with emotions. And I admit with all honesty that I cannot deal well with my emotions. Sometimes I feel something, and I go berserk trying to find out why I feel it. I can only understand the happy, sappy and sad feeling, other than that, it will be a mystery to me. In short, when I feel, I always ask why I feel it. I have to understand, in order for me to know if I should shun that feeling, or not. I have to know what it is so my mind knows what to do about it. And yes as I associate love as a feeling and an emotion, I distanced myself from it trying not to think about it at this point of my life --- until I got to know Him.
<>But what exactly is this trivial love? Trivial love is a feeling, and feeling alone. It is when you don’t know the person yet, and you say you’re in love with him. It is when you just met the person the other day, and now your hands are locked together as if it won’t ever be apart. Trivial love is what we see in fairy tales and movies where one is swept away by the euphoric feeling one gets. Trivial love is when one let’s herself be swept away by the sweet feeling it gives. Trivial love is based on feelings alone, and only that. When the feeling goes away, they break apart. They’d say they have fallen out of love, but I say, no you did not fall out of love, because in the first place, it wasn’t love at all, but just a feeling you thought was love. Yes, trivial love is rather deceiving, because it gives the same emotions a true love might give; infatuation as others might call it.
<>The society has created a lot of trivialities. So far, the triviality on love has been a big hit, because we have let ourselves be deceived by this. We let ourselves be carried away by our whims and emotions, forgetting about the true essence of love. And when ask, what is love for you? If for you love means red roses, sweet text messages, the “g’nyt. mwah”, or the morning calls you get, anything and everything that gives you the feeling of love, then you might want to think again. Look back and ask yourself, how well do I know this person? How well does this person know me? To know the person is to know the person’s deepest thoughts, to know the person’s behavior, mannerisms and all, and more importantly, to know the person is to see the intimate goodness in him that will make you fall in love with the person again and again for the rest of your life. After all, when you two get old, what you see externally right now will no longer be what you see when that time comes. As the song goes, "will you still love me tomorrow?" If yes, then you must be a person contented, not just a happy person, but a person contented. (Contentment is true happiness; it lasts longer than that fleeting happiness.)
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