Today's Post

17 April 2010

Oh, Travel.

I will travel to see the world. Not now, though. There's been too many hindrances to this travel. For instance, Iceland volcano eruption, which has stopped all flights going to and out of Europe. Earthquake in China has really shaken the country and it wouldn't be too welcoming. And the political dispute in Kyrgyztan has divided the nation where a lot of civilian supporters are getting killed. Poland has been mourning for the death of its leaders and prominent figures who died in a plane crash. It would only be a mourning and somber travel. There's just too many things happening in the world. But we all know these are not the very hindrances to my travel. It's time and resources to spare that I don't have.

For now, I have the whole world in my fingertips, as I surf through the internet, as I change the channel in our cable TV, as I read through magazines and newspaper. For now, the world has got me, but pretty soon, I, too, will conquer the world.

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