Today's Post

03 December 2009

To My Unnamed Friend

You probably won't think this is you, but read on, and I'm sure you'll understand what I'm talking about and realize this is you.

You're a person in search of greatness in other people, for this I'm sure you know how it feels to meet someone you deem to be great. For so long we've been talking about people and their wonderful capabilities and unrelenting principles. For a long time already, we've talked about people who are courageous and are out of the norm and are already living their dream. And now I wonder, why did it take me this long before I realize your own greatness?

You have no idea how this feels. It's a cognitive dissonance between feeling proud and feeling deceived. I feel deceived, because all this time that we talk of other people's greatness, you are already living your own greatness. But at the same time it leaves me a little pride that I am witnessing these and more of these unfolding right before me.

It was stupid of me to have asked you, why do you keep these things to yourself? You never intended to keep them in you, you were simply living it, without you thinking about it, without you being aware of it... you were simply on it. And it's up to the rest of us around you to discover these things in you little by little.

You're an irony. You hope of being great, when you already are. You admire other people's greatness, when you live like it doesn't really matter if you exude this greatness or not. You're simply you, and I guess that's what makes you genuinely great as a person.

Your friend,

P.S. The photo: may you as well fly above your own ocean. May you see where the sky and the ocean meet like there's no difference between them anymore.

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