Today's Post

22 February 2009

Of Mermaids and Princesses

e: i believe in fairies and mermaids and princesses!
k: *whisper* i'm a princess
e: really? who's your prince?
k: i don't have a prince yet.
e: aww well that's sad.
k: no, it's not.

haha i was not fighting with the kid. i thought to myself, do i need a prince to be a princess? i thought i only need to be a king's daughter to be a princess. and that alone made me happy. :) 

I like fairytales, but not to the point of living one for myself. i never believed in happy endings, but I believe in happy beginnings that's never ending. If i were to write my own fairytale, I'd start it with "Today, Karen woke up with a smile. Blah blah blah" instead of starting with "Once upon a time..." So that everytime it's read, it's as if my fairytale starts over and over again; starting with a smile, ending with a smile again as the princess gets to sleep. The setting will not go beyond a day, because just as I try to live my life, I go from one day to another, enjoying the here and the now.

"And she lived her day as happily as she could."

2 ruffleschmuffled:

Mindy said...

Karen! Added you. :)

Camille said...

"Aww, well that's sad."
Hahahahaha. Funny niyang tutee mo ha. (I can't even spell tutee.) Funny niya talaga. :P