sitting by the seashore
along with a thousand many
we were all waiting
for that something
that seemed so uncertain.
everyone was at peace
although no one showed a smile
people talked
people whispered
it wasn't quiet
it wasn't noisy either.
we came there to wait
to see a good sign of admittance
as we try to hide our grievance
from the loss we just had.
the waiting seemed surreal
because time does not seem to exist
there were no minutes passing by
no ticking by the second
there was just the now
the now of waiting ---
waiting for the now.
if now is now
and now will forever be now
will there ever be a next?
no one was really certain.
as to why the time has left us?
no one could answer the question.
everybody seemed lost without the time
life was so chaotic
without a single second of time frame
not a second existed
everything in a big referential frame.
no relativity, just absolutism.
as i try to let acceptance sink in.
Artificial intelligence
2 days ago
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