I miss playing the piano. When I was a kid, i hated my piano lessons just as how any kid disrupted from playing would feel. My piano teacher would come by Saturday afternoon when all the kids in my street would be out playing. I remember I'd go out earlier than usual so I would have more time to play, but the thing is, all the rest of my playmates were not yet around. In school, I was not in a regular music class. I would leave the class when it's Music already and I'd go to the music center to have my piano lessons. I never took my piano lessons seriously. I was too lazy to practice my scales, and was always in a hurry when I'm practicing my pieces. I'd go on a recital all dressed up, but without really giving it much thought until I'm about to go up the stage already. I hated recitals, and how I'd have to bow to the audience every after piece, and how I needed to practice the raising of my arms before and after a piece.
...but my dad among the audience would always look pleased when I'm on stage playing the piano. I'd make a lot of mistakes in my playing, but he wouldn't know because he doesn't play the piano, and he'd still be so proud of me. He was salways happy to see and hear me play the piano. My dad is my biggest fan as a pianist, in fact, he's my only fan.
When my dad was still around, and everytime he's not at work, he'd be watching news on TV, always eager to know what's happening around the world. No one likes to watch with him because we don't really enjoy watching BBC, CNN, nor FoxNews (well in the latter part I enjoyed watching FoxNews with him). It's seldom that we get to persuade him to watch other channels such as HBO, and other movie channels. Most often than not, he sleeps as he watches, but he wakes up at the slightest change of channel. Watching TV was his way of resting from working the whole week, getting an average of 3 hours of sleep everyday. This is why his weekends are always precious to him. Well, I must say, no one gets to disturb him when he's watching/sleeping. But I know how...
I'd play the piano, and he would turn off the TV, and would listen to whatever I play. He'd lie on the couch, close his eyes, and just listen. At times when he does not fall asleep from listening, you'd hear him clap every after I play. He's always happy when I get to play the piano, even if it's a melancholic piece I played.
My dad has always wanted to play the piano. About 3 years ago, he asked me to teach him to play the piano. And i thought it would be hard to teach him at this point because his hands weren't as flexible as it should be. But he was insistent, and for the sake of giving him that sense of fulfillment, I agreed to give him short classes. It was timely that at that time, he had a patient who's a piano teacher, and he would ask that patient things about reading the notes, finger movements, etc. One time, he asked me to draw the keyboard out of illustration board so he could bring it to the hospital and be able to practice finger movements there. haha it was funny, because at times he'd go home and proudly tell me he's learned the finger movements of an octave already. At times he'd ask me to stop studying for a while so I could give him piano lessons. Well, his piano lesson had to end as he got busier at work, but I'm proud he's able to play even just the do-re-mi.
I'm pretty sure you still listen everytime I play the piano. And I'm more pressured to do well, because by now you probably know when I make mistakes. For all i know, you could be playing the piano from where you are. Do they have piano there, Dad? 'cause if they do, maybe now's the perfect time for you to learn playing the piano. :)
As for me, I'm learning new pieces for you to listen to.. I hope you like them. :)
4 ruffleschmuffled:
dads always seem to be their daughters' biggest fans. i have a pianist friend, her name's anne, and this blog entry reads like something i could have read from a log of anne's own musings--proud dads stretched out on the couch, listening to their daughters dish out riff after lovely riff...
there's this eraserheads song that goes, "i'm a traveling man straight from the can | i'm a thousand miles away from my number one fan..."
i had anne listen to that song once, and she said, "i don't know about that. i don't think heaven's that far away."
great post :)
Haha true. buti na lang only girl ako, so he'd be proud of only one daughter :)) selfish. :p
btw, i listened to the song you said, ganda. and i agree with your friend -- that heaven's not that far away. :)
now that you've mentioned it, anne's an only daughter herself. in fact she doesn't have any siblings.
should you eventually end up in PGH, i hope you meet her there. people with the same tastes in music often hit it off wonderfully.
hahaha sige let's see what happens :p
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